MacOS provides libicucore.dylib (but nothing else). This formula is keg-only, which means it was not symlinked into /usr/local. => Installing dependencies for node: icu4cĪlready downloaded: /Users/yusufshakeel/Library/Caches/Homebrew/icu4c-58.2. Possible issues/errors that may occur YUSUF-MacBook-Pro:~ yusufshakeel$ brew install node If everything installed successfully then you can type in the following command in the terminal to check the Node and NPM version. In the terminal type the following command to install Node. And if you want to uninstall node then you have track all the files that were created and get rid of them. After that you have to make changes in your system $PATH by adding the path of the node executable.

If you are installing NodeJS via the installer from then you have to use sudo to make sure that it installs correctly. Homebrew/homebrew-core (git revision be9c last commit ) Output YUSUF-MacBook-Pro:~ yusufshakeel$ brew -v To check the version type the following command. Open terminal and type the following command. Homebrew is "The missing package manager for macOS". In this tutorial we will learn to install NodeJS and NPM on Mac using Homebrew.